03 9415 7551

What We Do

Your Health

Get Help Now

We are aware that some of our colleagues enter the profession having experienced mental health concerns which can be exacerbated by their work. We encourage them to continue their preventative strategies and self-care practices, and to seek support if needed.

The common risk factors for those developing impaired mental health include the high personal and community expectations, workload, managing trauma and frequently feeling unable to have an impact on workplace systems. (Abendroth & Flannery, 2006; Billeter-Koponen & Freden, 2005; Caldwell, Gil et al, 2006)

Developing opportunities for sharing experiences, debriefing and peer supervision have been identified as positive and successful ways of supporting those suffering with the impact of their work or the challenges in their personal life.

The NMHPV provides sensitive and compassionate screening, assessment, referrals, individual support sessions and groups for those seeking help to manage these health concerns. We believe that early intervention is the best way to address health challenges and encourage our colleagues to contact us to discuss how we can best help.

Contact Us Now

Phone: 03 9415 7551

Email: admin@nmhp.org.au

Each year the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) supports many nurses, midwives and students with their presenting mental health concerns. The most common presentations are linked with anxiety, depression and psychological distress.

Mental Health
