03 9415 7551

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Dear Colleague

A message from the NMHPV Chair

I write to you on behalf of the board to advise that after 16 years with NMHPV, Glenn Taylor has resigned from his position as CEO, effective 8 November 2024.

Glenn has thoroughly enjoyed his time with NMHPV, leading the organisation through various phases and stages. He has very capably directed the organisation through a variety of challenges and periods of uncertainty, resulting in considerable organisation growth and development. Glenn leaves NMHPV in a strong position, where it will approach its future with renewed confidence, surety and enthusiasm.

In his time Glenn has actively led and participated in many significant initiatives. Some of these include holding NMHPV firm through the transition from state-based regulation to the introduction of the national scheme, in 2010. Glenn has always maintained a keen focus – and taken great pride – in ensuring all of our Victorian colleagues can access NMHPV services equally, promptly and efficiently. Whether they live and work in central Melbourne, in any one of our small or remote townships, or any towns and cities in between.

Glenn's leadership through the COVID period ensured the organisation capably responded to the many and varied needs of our nursing and midwifery colleagues directly impacted, along with the needs of those other stakeholders impacted by the pandemic in so many different ways. Glenn implemented and directed a swift and effective response which resulted in the doubling of the NMHPV workforce within a week, in 2020. This result was also due to the shared vision, awareness and understanding of our members who advocated for us, including the ANMF Vic Branch, and our funder, the Victorian Government.

Glenn's belief in the value of strong and healthy stakeholder relationships was at the forefront of every decision made when planning our interactive stakeholder engagement. Whether through on-site presentations and forums with groups of early career nurses or the 'NMHP Champion Training' initiative which he co-designed and led in 2013, Glenn understood the importance and benefits of spending time with his peers in the field. This helped him and our team to better understand our peer's challenges and to suggest strategies that could benefit their health, lives and employment. This peer engagement was never larger than through the seven (7) Nurse and Midwife Wellness Conferences he and his team co-facilitated with the ANMF Vic Branch between 2010 and 2023.

Additionally, I know that working closely with every member of the NMHPV workforce, and its directorship since 2008 has provided Glenn significant joy and enormous satisfaction. On behalf of the Board, I wish Glenn well with whatever he approaches next.

As a result of this decision, the Board is pleased to advise that our current General Operations Manager, Amanda Singleton, has agreed to step into the role of CEO, from 11 November 2024. Amanda commenced with NMHPV earlier this year. She brings extensive experience in the fields of nursing, midwifery and regulation, and since joining the organisation mid-year has instituted initiatives that will ensure NMHPV continues to grow, thrive and positively influence the health of Victoria's nursing and midwifery workforce.

All contact previously made with Glenn will now be directed to Amanda through 9415 7551 or amanda.s@nmhp.org.au 

Kind regards,

 Fiona Whitecross

Chair, NMHPV

NMHPV CEO Announcement