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Host: Cheri Huggins | Guest: Dr Moira Junge | Duration: 51:29 | Published 6 December 2023

Tags: Nurse Health, Midwife Health, Mental Health, Wellbeing

This episode of the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria podcast is a thought-provoking episode hosted by Cheri Huggins, Senior Clinician at NMHP and our highly respected guest Dr Moira Junge, Health Psychologist and CEO of The Sleep Foundation, Victoria. The podcast delves into the challenges faced by many nurses and midwives.

As we grow older, many of us encounter a unique set of challenges that may significantly impact our work and personal lives. Such issues as age discrimination and the value older nurses and midwives have in the workplace, are put under the spotlight.

This podcast also gives rise to questions of whether the unique challenges of this cohort of nurses and midwives is being recognised and addressed in the workplace, in a way that translates to a more flexible and responsive way of working.

One of the foremost issues explored is the significance of sleep health, and for many the impact of the menopausal transition which can bring about a range of physical and psychological symptoms, including sleep disturbance. These symptoms can profoundly affect our well-being and ability to perform at our best.

Balancing personal and professional challenges can become an ever-demanding juggling act, requiring careful consideration. Amidst all of that, the importance of financial well-being in the planning for the future, should not be underestimated. Dr. Junge reminds us that it's never too late to put finances on our to-do list.

Dr Junge graciously shares her valuable insights, tips, and advice on nurturing the well-being of older nurses and midwives and how they can improve their health, with a passion and understanding of the issues. It's worth noting that Dr Junge began her own professional journey as a young nurse before becoming the esteemed Psychologist she is today, and so brings a unique perspective to this topic.

In this episode, Dr Junge touches on her own challenges, navigating the workplace and life in general, offering a wonderfully personal insight that's sure to resonate.

The resounding message is a positive and heartfelt one – so please, make yourself a cuppa … sit back and enjoy.

If this podcast raises any issues or concerns for you, please call us on 9415 7551 from 8.30am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday or email: admin@nmhp.org.au

About our Guest: Dr Moira Junge

Dr Moira Junge is a Health Psychologist and the CEO of the  (SHF). The SHF is Australia's leading advocate for sleep health in the community and aims to improve people's lives via better sleep.  She is also an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Monash University. Moira has over thirty years' experience in the healthcare sector, her first decade or so was as a nurse. As a Health Psychologist she has focused on health challenges and health behaviour change at an individual and population level, so it was a natural transition for Moira to move across from the clinical setting to the health promotion and community advocacy setting. She has deep knowledge and experience with helping people to get better sleep and learn to value it more.  She firmly believes that prevention is better than cure and the Foundation is well-equipped to help with the translation and implementation of research and aim to reach people before chronic challenges set in.

About our Host: Cheri Huggins

Cheri has a background in Mental Health Nursing and is also a registered Counsellor and Psychotherapist, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role as senior clinician at the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program. Cheri has developed a keen interest in the health and well-being of older nurses and midwives.

Recognising and relating to the unique challenges that come with age in today's workplace. Cheri is passionate about empowering individuals to live their best lives and overcome barriers to that.

Related Resources

» View Transcript  

» Prepare to retire - Moneysmart.gov.au

» Exercises (self-compassion.org)

» Healthy Sleep Practices for Shift Workers | Sleep Health Foundation

» Commonwealth Financial Counselling | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (dss.gov.au)

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