03 9415 7551

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In April 2023 Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria, in partnership with the ANMF Victoria Branch, convened our seventh Nurses and Midwives Wellness Conference.

It was wonderful to have so many of our nursing and midwifery colleagues back in the room to hear powerful stories and share useful ideas and strategies for promoting the health and wellbeing of our workforce. We hope you enjoy the following summary of the day, published by the ANMF Victoria Branch.


2023 NMHPV Wellness Conference Summary

Over 450 nurses and midwives attended the 7th Nurse and Midwife Wellness Conference at MCEC on 28th April. The conference focused on hope, self-compassion, renewal and inspiration. Delegates met real people who shared their personal insights into confronting and working with life’s challenges, such as Lisa Curry and Zan Rowe. They also met experts Mary Freer, Moira Junge and Tetyana Rocks who encouraged them to turn their care inwards, focusing on promoting an individual’s health through self-reflection, sleep and nutrition. The event was opened by the inspirational Royal Melbourne Scrubs Choir and further inspiration was provided by English Channel swimmer and mental health advocate Brendan Cullen.

In addition, delegates met a panel which included two nurses and a midwife who shared their vulnerability prior to, and through the COVID-19 pandemic. Each was generous in speaking of their personal challenges and of their approaches in managing these. Importantly, they each recognised that while they are progressing well today, they, like us all, just don’t know what is in store for us tomorrow. This is why our message in closing the conference included a reminder of our susceptibility to unexpected challenges, and importantly that there is support available to all Victorian nurses, midwives and students of nursing and midwifery.

Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV) continues to offer access to experienced nurse and midwife clinicians who provide free, confidential and independent tailored care and support for any work or personal matter impacting an individual’s health. The Program operates Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm, can be reached by (P) 03 9415 7551 or (E) admin@nmhp.org.au, and there is no formal referral required.

Please don’t hesitate to make contact if you think you need support. No situation is too big or too small.

Everyone at NMHPV remains inspired by our Victorian colleagues and the work you do. We look forward to seeing you at our 8th Conference in 2025. Glenn Taylor, CEO


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Phone: 03 9415 7551

Email: admin@nmhp.org.au

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Nurse & Midwife Support

A 24/7 national support service for nurses and midwives providing access to confidential advice and referral. Visit www.nmsupport.org.au

Five things we learned at the 2023 NMHPV Wellness Conference