03 9415 7551

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The Role of a NMHP Champion

| To showcase the NMHPV to their organisation.

| To raise awareness of the NMHPV and highlight positive health information amongst their nursing/midwifery colleagues.

| To assist their nursing/midwifery colleagues to understand how and when the NMHPV can be of assistance.

| To present NMHPV information to ‘our’ colleagues via local presentations and NMHPV printed material.

| To inform our colleagues of the referral pathways to the NMHPV.

| To highlight the experiences that nurses/midwives confront in the role and to help challenge the stigma attached to seeking help.

| To distribute NMHPV promotional materials.

The time required to be a NMHP Champion

| This is entirely up to what any individual nurse/midwife has available to offer.

| The NMHPV will be very happy to discuss the options and share ideas of how current Champions use their time.

The benefits of the NMHP Champion

| Provides individual Champions and their organisations with knowledge of the NMHPV and how to promote the Program.

| Creates awareness of the issues, challenges and concerns that nurses/midwives encounter.

| Provides nurses/midwives with empowered colleagues who are confident to speak about the NMHPV and distribute positive health messages.

| Empowers Champions to speak confidently with their organisation leaders about the issues and supports available.

| Adds valuable information, resources and links to the Champion’s place of employment.

What is not required of the NMHP Champion

| The NMHP Champion is NOT to be a counsellor, gate keeper or provider of these services.

| It is NOT to interfere with the Champion’s employed position as a nurse/midwife AND IS designed to add value to their paid role within their organisation.

| It is NOT to come at a cost to the Champion or their organisation.

| It is NOT designed to take priority over their paid employment.

The supports available to the NMHP Champion

| Access to NMHPV staff who will provide support, information, guidance and assistance with managing any challenges faced in the role.

| Ongoing links and connections to their fellow Champions.

| Opportunities to learn about new initiatives in self-care.

| Access to regular correspondence and contemporary health information.

| Electronic and printed NMHPV materials available at call.

Champion Brochure

Download our Champion Brochure for more information and to pass on to colleagues.

» Download Brochure

The Role of a NMHP Champion